Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Santa 2013
The last 2 years Tucker has been VERY skeptical of Santa and has cried both times sitting in his lap. This year was completely different. He LOVED sitting in Santa's lap and telling him what he wanted for Christmas (a bicycle!.. and train tracks). The disappointing thing was that we couldn't take pictures with our own personal camera like we did the last couple of years so the picture isn't that great but I promise he was happy! He and Jonathan even went back to the mall for me today (to do some last minute things - b/c I barely last through a store or two) and Jonathan called to say he sat on Santa's lap again and just talked and talked to him. They didn't take a picture this time - but they were the only ones in line so he got to have good conversation with him for a few minutes. Here is a pic :)
Briley's Baby Sprinkle :)
We seriously have the best friends anybody could ask for! They threw Briley a baby sprinkle November 17th. It was absolutely perfect. We had already been blessed with a couple of showers for Tucker just three years back and already had most of the "big things" that we needed, but a few of my friends suggested celebrating Briley, too! I am so glad and thankful that we did. She got lots of cute "girly" things and lots of necessities, too (diapers, wipes, pacifiers, washcloths, bathtub, towels, etc. etc.) We are so thankful for our close friends and family that were able to share this time with us. I will try to upload pics later.
It's a ............... GIRL!!
I realize it has been a while since I've posted but wanted to keep track of this on my blog! We went in for our ultrasound August 27th, just like planned (and that I mentioned in an earlier post). This was the due date of the baby that we lost last year around this time. What a BLESSING it was to find out the gender of our baby GIRL that's on the way!! It has already been 16 weeks since we found out what we are having (because I am now 34 1/2 weeks! Only 5 1/2 - give or take - to go! Time flies! We are SO excited (and Tucker is too). I asked him the other day who was here (in the driveway - b/c my mom was coming to see him) and he said, "BRILEY??" Hahah - not yet, sweet boy.. but we have been talking about her for so long I think he is just ready for her to be here already! He may change his mind once she is crying! but for now.. he's so excited! We would greatfully appreciate your prayers as we prepare for the delivery and entrance of our baby girl into this world! We.can't.wait.!!!!
I started this post in the middle of November and didn't come back to finish it until now------->On facebook, everybody is doing the 30 days of thankfulness in November. I love reading these posts. It is very refreshing to hear the positive rather than the negative that comes from facebook. I am SO thankful each and every day for these things that I'm going to list below - sometimes I don't like to share everything on facebook (just because..) so I decided to write it in a blog instead.
Day 1 - I am thankful for Jesus Christ who saved me from a life of sin and darkness and gave me eternal life through His blood that was shed on the cross.
Day 2 - I am thankful for my loving husband who is a man of God and leads our household in such a way. He is a a hard worker, makes us feel secure and safe, loves us, is such a wonderful husband and father. I could go on and on........I will spare you all the details and share with him instead.
Day 3 - I am thankful for my sweet little two year old who brings so much life to our family. He is such a sweet and smart boy who repeats everything we do and say. It cracks us up. He loves to sing (about Jesus!!) and he talks constantly -- he's so growny! I love it!
Day 4 - I am thankful for our baby girl who isn't even here yet. I can't wait to hold her and love her and raise her to be a Godly girl and eventually woman of God.
Day 5 - I am thankful for the baby that we lost. I am also thankful that we will get to meet him/her one day!
Day 6 - I am thankful for my family - immediate and extended. My family has always been there to support me and I can call on them anytime and they are there.
Day 7 - I am thankful for friends - old and new. I have been blessed with some of the best friends anyone could ask for.
Day 8 - I am thankful for our church family. They are there to hold you accountable, to encourage you, to love you despite your flaws and sins, and to help encourage you towards Christ. Yes, there are always "problems" in a church, but I count my blessings for each and every single person in our church family.
Day 9 - I am thankful for the youth ministry in our church. We are beyond blessed with our youth minister and his wife and children as well as with each and every single leader I teach with. That is my "small group" and I just love them to pieces. Not to mention - every single youth (girls, specifically, for me). I love those girls beyond words and they teach me just as much as I teach them.
Day 10 - I am thankful for where God has brought us from. Looking back over these past (almost) 5 years that we have been married, I can't even begin to tell you how thankful I am that we are in a different place than we were when we got married. Let us never forget where we were so that we can always run towards Jesus, thanking Him for what He has done in our lives.
Day 11 - I am thankful for trials. Some of our biggest trials have kept us leaning closer and closer to Jesus.
Day 12 - I am thankful for my brother. He doesn't know it (and I should tell him) that he has always meant so much to me. I have tears welling up in my eyes as I type this, just thinking about it. When you get married, life takes you different directions with work and family but he ALWAYS will be my big brother and I will always be one of his biggest cheerleaders.
Day 13 - I am thankful for Green Pines Baptist Preschool. I cannot even begin to tell you how much Tucker has learned at preschool. He just goes 3 days a week and it amazes me to hear the songs and the things that come out of his mouth. He will start singing a song and it just melts my heart to hear him singing about Jesus!
Day 14 - I am thankful for the Sunday morning and Sunday night preschool at our own church as well. He learns so much during these times as well. These teachers have no idea how much they have taught my child. I am soo very thankful.
Day 15 - I am thankful for my job. I never went into college thinking I would sale insurance (how boring!) but I LOVE my job. I especially love that I can work from home and be here raising my child at the same time. I am blessed.
Day 16 - I am thankful for date nights (and those that keep Tucker for us to have a date night!)
Day 17 - I am thankful for the calling Jonathan has on his life (and our family's). I love that song "While I'm waiting.. I will serve you, while I'm waiting... I will worship". That's the season I feel like we are in right now. God is constantly at work.. we just have no idea what's in store for our family down the road but Jonathan is pressing on, interning at church, taking classes at Southeastern, and still working at the fire station. As we wait, we will serve and worship Him.
Day 18 - I am thankful for all the things God has provided us with (our house that we are renting right now, our cars, our clothes, food, etc. etc.)
Day 19 - I am thankful for mentors and people God has placed in my life for a certain reason. I have several older ladies that are just such encouragers and have wisdom beyond my years and can help encourage me in the season that I'm in (with my marriage, having small child(ren), working, etc.)
Day 20 - I am thankful for sleep and naptime! I know we won't get much starting in January when baby Briley arrives but I sure do enjoy resting so that I can be the best mom and wife I can be. I will do the best I can (as a wife and mother) in January! But I still may have to sleep when she sleeps .. if that's possible with a second one?!
Day 21 - I am thankful that we can go to church and worship freely every Sunday.
Day 22 - I am thankful for days we have nothing to do and can just enjoy time with one another.
Day 23 - I am thankful for laughter. There's a lot of that around this house now that Tucker is as "growny" as he is.
Day 24 - I am thankful for playdates! It is so nice to get out of the house on days we don't have preschool or anything going on!
Day 25 - I am thankful for all 4 seasons. I was riding down the road the other day thinking how my favorite time of year was fall and winter (love the cool weather and all that comes with it), but then I was like, "wait, no.. I love spring and summer too!" (because of the beautiful flowers and the things that come along with warm weather, too).
Day 26 - I am thankful for snow days or holidays where everything is closed and all you can do is spend time with family.
Day 27 - I am thankful for the "little things".. surprises from my husband, giggles with my 2 yr old, etc. etc.
Day 28 - I am thankful for the high school girls. They are such a blessing in my life.
Day 29 - I am thankful for a warm house, food in the refrigerator, clothes we have to wear, etc. etc.
Day 30 - I am thankful that God knows every hair on our head, every thought before we even think it.. just everything about us.. and loves us anyway!
I could go on and on and on.. thank you, Lord, for E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
HIS Timing.. not mine!
I went in for my 16 1/2 week check up today. Before I went, I was telling Jonathan (and Shellie) that my next appointment would be about 4 weeks from now (which would be around September 10th) and that's when I would probably have the ultrasound to find out if our baby will be a boy or a girl! I mentioned to Shellie this morning that I was going to try to see if I could schedule it a few days earlier, September 4th, for my birthday (just to make it a little more special). I told her it probably wouldn't happen but didn't hurt to ask. When I got to my appointment, I realized I got to see one of my favorite doctor's, Dr. Richardson. I saw her a lot with Tucker but had not seen her yet with this sweet baby. She came in and was just the nicest thing ever... as usual. We talked about how I was feeling, she checked the baby's heartbeat (which sounded great today!) and just chit chatted for a few minutes (it was a quick appointment). When we were done, she said, "usually your next appointment would be 4 weeks from now and that's when you'll find out the gender.. but you can really find out at 18 weeks which would be about 2 weeks from now. Would you want to come in and go ahead and have your ultrasound and then come in again in 4 weeks for your regular appt?" I quickly replied, "YESSSSS! OF COURSE! :) She said "I thought you were gonna say that!" :) So ... she wrote on my chart to schedule me for 2 weeks from now. I went up to the front desk and the girl doing the schedule said, "OK - two weeks from now you will come in for your ultrasound to find out what you're having - two weeks is August 27th, will that work for you?" My heart sank and wanted to burst all at the same time. You see, August 27th was our due date with the baby that we lost in December. I looked down and replied, "of course, that would be wonderful." It had not even hit me that two weeks from now was August 27th. We obviously knew it was coming up and have had conversations about how that would be a tough day but honestly tried not to think/talk about it too much. When she said that date, I just couldn't help but immediately think how FAITHFUL God is. He had a plan from the beginning. He KNEW that day would be hard for us, but oh how joyous it will be to find out if we are having a baby boy or baby girl! I just walked out in disbelief. What I wanted for myself (for me to find out on my birthday), God had an even BETTER plan.. HE ALWAYS does! Thank you, Jesus, for your constant reminder of your love. I just can't even wrap my head around it. Stay tuned August 27th............................ :) :) :)
Friday, July 12, 2013
A LOT has gone on the past few months in the Williams household. First of all, our house sold!! PRAISE THE LORD!! It was on the market for 1 year and 3 months. We never got even one offer the whole time it was on the market and then, all of a sudden, we got TWO offers in one day!! It was the Friday of Memorial Day weekend and we were thrilled to receive them, counter-offer one of them, and PRAISE GOD IT ALL WENT THROUGH! That Friday afternoon that we got the offer, we got a call from Jonathan's mom saying the people who had been living in Jonathan's grandma's house the last two years -- (who kept saying "we're getting ready to move out" over and over again for the last several months - because they were building a house)-- they had called and said they were really moving out. We thought, OK ... what are the chances... we don't need to count on that because it'll probably still be a few months. NOPE! That Monday morning when we got back from the beach every single bit of their stuff had been moved out and it was ready for someone else to move in...US!! Of course we had to pray about it and make sure it was exactly what we felt the Lord leading us to do...it was!! So over the next few weeks we moved and have gotten settled into this new house and closed on our old one. GOD IS GOOD!!
So to make this story even MORE exciting... the week before we got those offers on our house we found out WE ARE EXPECTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEP!! That's right!! I am 12 weeks pregnant today and we are due January 24th, 2014 - the day before Jonathan's birthday!! :) And we are praying so hard that this will be a healthy pregnancy for the baby and also myself!! GOD IS FAITHFUL!! So...a few days after Mother's Day, May 15th to be exact, we were over at Ms. Debbie's house that afternoon letting Tucker play and just wasting some time before we had small group at Nolan and Cara's that night. Well, Tucker was playing in a pool that we had just bought and he started to feel warm to me. When I took his temperature, it was 101 and we didn't have any tylenol so I told Jonathan I was going to run to the dollar general and I'd be right back. In the meantime, I had been feeling SOO tired and it was time for me to start and I just wasn't feeling good either. Of course we had been "trying" so I knew it was a possibility but still doubted that it would be "this month". Anyway...when I went into the dollar general I saw the pregnancy tests and there was just one in the pack for pretty cheap. I thought, "what the heck... I'll just get it." So... I picked up the tylenol and test and went back to Ms. Debbie's. I immediately got Tylenol in Tucker and then we decided to get him in the car and go on home since we weren't going to small group because of his fever. I ran back inside while Jonathan was emptying out the pool and I decided to go ahead and take the test. I just knew it was going to be negative. So ... I take it and the first little bit was just showing up negative and I thought "I knew it...that was stupid for me to buy a test". But then ............ all of a sudden, it was a very faint plus sign!! I was not believing my eyes!! So I walked outside to where Jonathan was and he kinda needed my help emptying out the pool (because it was heavy). He turned around as if to say "can you help?" And I held up the test! He says, "OK - so CAN you help?!!" I said NOPE!! We both just looked at each other and hugged like "oh my goodness I can't believe this!!" :) He quickly finished and we both got in the car with Tucker. We were SO excited but so afraid and scared and anxious and nervous all at the same time. We wanted to be screaming and shouting and all that but we just had that fear in us because of the loss we had a few months ago. Anyway ... so the next few weeks we told my mom, his mom, my dad, my brother, a few of my close close friends but not really very many people. I just didn't want anybody to know until we went to the DR and heard the heartbeat. So... we asked Aunt Faye to keep him for the appt. We went and tears just streamed down my face as we had our first ultrasound and the technician told us it seemed like, at this point, everything was great! The heartbeat was 158 bpm and beating strong! PRAISE GOD!! I have been overly cautious about everything...careful not to pick too much up, careful not to over-do it, etc. The nurse practitioner reassured me that there was "nothing I did last time to cause it" (and I believe her) but I'm just doing what I feel like I can do to protect our baby. Ever since we got past the point of when we lost the baby last time, I have felt such a peace about this pregnancy. God is carrying me through and protecting this sweet baby. This pregnancy has felt a lot different even from Tucker's. I have been SO sick (which normally women would complain about) but I THANK GOD for that feeling because it has helped reassure me that things are going as they should and my hormones are working! We go for our first trimester ultrasound this coming Tuesday and I think after that appointment I will feel more confident about announcing it to the world. I just had time tonight to sit down and blog so I wanted to go ahead and share it with the blogging world. I have learned so much these past few months. I KNOW GOD IS FAITHFUL, in any and all circumstances. His plan is best. PERIOD. He comforts us, he strengthens us, he uses us for His glory, He LOVES us.. OH how he loves us. Thank you, Jesus!
Monday, May 13, 2013
Mother's Day 2013
This years Mother's Day weekend was one of the best..mainly because I got to spend the time with lots of family (and, in my books, it doesn't get better than that). Friday night Tucker and I went over to PaPa & May's(my dad & Tammy's) house because they were keeping Stella and Jonathan was working so asked if I wanted to come. It was originally just gonna be me and Tucker, Stella and Tammy (because daddy was at the beach), but he came home early! :) Tucker had so much fun playing in the garden, playing on PaPa's tractor, eating pizza, and playing with baby Stella. What I realized is that we need a fenced in backyard for Tucker to just run around and play so we don't have to worry about him running in the street!! He was a worn out little boy after playing over there.
Saturday morning we took MaMa (Ms. Debbie) out to eat at IHOP. Jonathan and I then finished last minute errands for our moms. We then went to MiMi & Mac's (my mom and Michael's) to put Tucker down for a nap so we could go to Auntie's 95th birthday. Got to see lots of family but not for very long.. we had to be back at my mom's to celebrate with her and Michael at 2:00 :) We had Olive Garden for lunch and it was soo good. Tucker got to play and play and wear himself out again..so we went home and all crashed!
Jonathan had to work on Sunday so I had debated whether I would go to Williamston to see my grandparents or stay here and go to church... well... why not both?? Tucker and I went to sunday school and the first part of worship on Sunday and then we left and went to Williamston! We ate at the country club with MiMi, Mac, G-daddy, and "Moo-mama?" Don't ask me where Tucker got that from?! :) Anyway ... Tucker usually HATES riding in the car, which is why I was strongly debating even going to Williamston, but it must have been part of my "mother's day" present ... a FUN ride! He and I laughed and sang and talked about everything from animals to tractors to what color the cars/trucks were that we were passing to our family to his preschool friends/class.. he just cracks me up. I was nervous about the ride home since he had such a great ride there but he was just as good/fun on the way home! PTL! :)
Anyway.. Jonathan and Tucker got me a beautiful Pandora (stackable) ring that goes with the 2 I already have. What's the significance,you ask?! Well, the first one he gave me was Tucker's birthstone. The second one he gave me was for our anniversary last year. The one they gave me this Mother's Day is an August birthstone...the baby that we were gonna have. The thing I love about these rings is that they are stackable..so I can wear all 3 of them at the same time. I am SO thankful for my husband and my son. They are my world!! I am blessed <3
I also realize there were people yesterday that were hurting and I want to offer up my prayers to them <3 People that have lost their mothers, people that are trying to become mothers, people that may not have a relationship with their mother.. whatever the case may be, my prayers are with you. Praying for God's healing hand on your circumstance, whatever it may be <3
Here are a few pics from this wknd :)
Thursday, May 9, 2013
We kept Stella a few days ago during the day when her babysitter was sick. Tucker was so excited when we told him Stella was coming over. He kept saying, "baby? baby? baby?!" while he was waiting for her to get there. He is a little over-excited when she first gets there and wants to hold and play with her immediately, but after a few minutes he calms down and starts playing with his toys, always coming back to check on and play with her, though. He was showing her all his toys and trying to get her to hold each one of them. We had to explain that Stella isn't quite big enough yet to play but he insists! So we go along with it .. :) Here are a few pics from them "playing" together. Tucker says, "Tucker hold? Tucker hold?" So, of course, with super supervision, we let him "hold". :)
Tucker giving Stella sweet kisses on her head :)
Cheezin'!! :)
Tucker, Daddy/Uncle J, & Stella :)
Tucker trying to show Stella his game on the phone!
Monday, April 8, 2013
Swim Lessons
MiMi & Mac (my mom and step-dad) gave Tucker swim lessons for his birthday. I really wanted him to do this before this summer so he would be a little more comfortable in the water. He has loved it. He has a great teacher. There are about 6 other toddlers/baby's in his class, along with their parents, of course. The first week Jonathan "couldn't find his bathing suit" so mommy got in the water with Tucker. I loved it (and he loved it) but it is hard work for 30 minutes!! I was EXHAUSTED! Tucker was great! haha.. Anyway - here are a few pics of him swimming. We have two classes left and daddy unfortunately won't be there so it will be mommy's turn again (because he took over the last few weeks, thank goodness!!) And you will see in the pics that daddy is WAY more fun than mommy :)
This was his expression when we told him we were getting ready to get in the pool!! He was so excited!! :)
Mommy & Tucker in the pool ... before the fun/exhaustion began!!
Daddy & Tucker in the pool! Daddy is so much fun! haha
Tucker and his little swimmates :) Doing the hokey-pokey!
Blowing bubbles!
Reaching for the toy!
Side-tracked! Daddy is so silly! :)
Jumping in like a big boy!
Proud mommy moment! :)
We enrolled Tucker in a 1/2 day preschool this past September. He absolutely LOVES it. His preschool teacher, Ms. Sylvia, is so good with them and he loves all his little friends in his class. He only goes Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9-12 but it is just enough time for me to get some work done. It also works out great with Jonathan's schedule most weeks. Anyway ... we got a letter in his backpack one day saying the preschoolers would be doing a play for Easter. I really didn't think twice about it because I thought it was just going to be the older pre-K students - not the "1 year old class", which is what Tucker is in. Tucker ended up being sick the Monday of that week (when the play was supposed to be on Wednesday) so Ms. Sylvia ended up calling us Tuesday night to "remind us" that the play was tomorrow (and to check on Tucker, of course). Well, like I said, I didn't realize it was for him too - I thought, "how in the world is my 2 year old going to stand up on stage and sing or participate without having a meltdown.." WELL ............ what was I thinking?! haha ... Thankfully, Jonathan was able to get off work and come too. We were scared to death that if he saw us he would not participate so ... we sat in the back. The pre-K's went through the beautiful story of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. After they went, the 3 year old class sang, then the 2 year old class, and then Tucker's class! I am attaching the video. All I have to say is WOW!! I'm not impressed with my child, per-say, but I was so impressed with how they have taught my baby (and all the other kids) about Jesus and the Bible and how "God's word is always - chuuuuuuu (aka TRUE)". I also just knew he would have a meltdown and have to come off stage but he didn't. I am so thankful for these ladies and the love they show our kids. Since we were hiding and not letting Tucker know we were there, I was able to see how he is while we're not around (and, most importantly, how he's learning and singing about the Lord!) THANK YOU, JESUS!! Couldn't be any more proud!! Copy & paste THIS LINK --> in order to watch --> (sorry, not quite up to speed on how the links work through blogspot, etc.)
Tucker's 2nd Birthday Party!!
I can't believe I'm really posting again so soon! I know I said I would but in the back of my mind I was doubtful! Anyway .. tracing back over the last few months. We had Jonathan's birthday in January, of course, (and Uncle Todd's too!) We then had a sweet little boy's 2nd birthday party in February. I absolutely cannot believe Tucker is 2!! I ran into a lady at Target a few weeks ago who goes to my old home church (who I just love)! and she has grandkids of her own now. The day she saw us Tucker was actually having a good day (and a good time) in Target. We were going up and down the rows and he was saying "HEYYYYY, HEYYY, HEYYYYY" to everybody we passed. It was the cutest thing. She said she heard him from 3 rows over and then when she finally got to us she realized it was him. Anyway ... she mentioned that day that she's always told young mothers, "the days are long but the years are short." It's soo true! Anyway ... so fast-forward two weeks later. We were in Target again and Tucker was throwing tantrum after tantrum..he had thrown his ball out of the cart about 15 times and I told him if he threw it out again we would not be picking it up.. well?? what happened? He threw it out and I just kept going. He LOST it! Of course, once he lost it, there was no calming him down.. and we are trying to be consistent so that meant I could not get the ball and put it back in the cart just because he was crying.. SOO as I'm heading out the doors with this screaming 2 year old who is kicking his legs and throwing a tantrum the SAME lady from 2 weeks ago yells, "EMILY, EMILY" and I turn around like "oh no, who else is seeing this" (because I had already run into everybody and their mommas of course!!) and it was her. She said "remember - the days are long but the years are short!!" HAHA!! SOOO TRUE!! :) It made me smile because she has two grown boys of her own so she remembers those days fully well!
So ... Tucker's birthday was so much fun and I owe a HUGE thank you to my mom and mother-in-law! I don't know what I would do without those two ladies. My husband is always our rock and a huge help!! however ... he came down with strep throat a few days before Tucker's party so, needless to say, he was in bed! Even though Tucker's party was SO much fun and turned out to be great, I think we will just do a pizza party or go to a restaurant or something next year. Don't get me wrong, I had SO MUCH FUN planning and getting all the decorations and food ready - it's the one time a year I actually do some kind of crafty stuff ;) - but I think Tucker would be just as happy playing with his friends and just eating pizza (with a balloon or two)! Jonathan and my mom and mother-in-law said they were going to remind me of that next year! haha Here are a few pictures from his party :)
Tucker and his big Elmo balloon that he LOVED! He only got to play with it for 10 minutes, though, because it flew to the ceiling (the magnets came off) :/
Tucker's 2nd birthday cake! He LOVES Sesame Street! Nancy did an amazing job!
The decorations and party food :)
Tucker eating cake! He didn't eat much of the cake, but he devoured the icing :)
The 3 of us :)
Tucker and his baby cousin, Stella! :)
Thursday, April 4, 2013
A busy year already!
It has been over 3 months since I've posted! What a busy year already! Between church activities (open gym, Appleseeds, Equipper Focus, etc), work for Jonathan and I, preschool for Tucker (including a special Easter performance!), birthday's (Jonathan's 29th and Tucker's 2nd!), along with spending time with family and friends, there hasn't been too much "free time" to sit down and post. Or if I'm sitting down, I haven't had the energy to post. Anyway.. I am planning to do a few posts over the next couple of days to show pictures and things from birthdays, etc. To sum up this year so far...WE.ARE.BLESSED.!! PERIOD!! END OF STORY!! BLESSED!! No matter what trials may come our way, God is our ROCK and we are thankful for the hard times because it's a testing and building of our faith in HIM. Having just celebrated Easter and the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, I can say the suffering we endure here on this earth is NOTHING in comparison to what and how He suffered for us. Having lived a perfect, sinless, life, HE took on our sins and died in our place so that we can have everlasting life. (PRAISE HIM!!) ANYWAY--> the reason I'm even posting on this blog today is because I was reading somebody else's blog during Tucker's naptime and this person had a miscarriage recently as well. They posted a song --> I will carry you by Selah <-- that has helped them (and it was actually a song someone already sent me - and I fell in love with it - but, of course, can't listen to it without tears streaming down my face). But anyway ... it led me to think about my post that I wrote over 3 months ago when we had our miscarriage. I am thankful for healing over these last 3 months and I am thankful that I did write it down (or type it - on this blog) and I pray that God would use my situation and circumstance for His glory.
Not much more time to write today - Tucker should be up any minute - and we have a showing on our house in an hour and a half - so I have lots to clean!! But ... I will update more (hopefully) this week! :)
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