Tuesday, December 17, 2013

It's a ............... GIRL!!

I realize it has been a while since I've posted but wanted to keep track of this on my blog! We went in for our ultrasound August 27th, just like planned (and that I mentioned in an earlier post). This was the due date of the baby that we lost last year around this time. What a BLESSING it was to find out the gender of our baby GIRL that's on the way!! It has already been 16 weeks since we found out what we are having (because I am now 34 1/2 weeks! Only 5 1/2 - give or take - to go! Time flies! We are SO excited (and Tucker is too). I asked him the other day who was here (in the driveway - b/c my mom was coming to see him) and he said, "BRILEY??" Hahah - not yet, sweet boy.. but we have been talking about her for so long I think he is just ready for her to be here already! He may change his mind once she is crying! but for now.. he's so excited! We would greatfully appreciate your prayers as we prepare for the delivery and entrance of our baby girl into this world! We.can't.wait.!!!!

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