Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Santa 2013
The last 2 years Tucker has been VERY skeptical of Santa and has cried both times sitting in his lap. This year was completely different. He LOVED sitting in Santa's lap and telling him what he wanted for Christmas (a bicycle!.. and train tracks). The disappointing thing was that we couldn't take pictures with our own personal camera like we did the last couple of years so the picture isn't that great but I promise he was happy! He and Jonathan even went back to the mall for me today (to do some last minute things - b/c I barely last through a store or two) and Jonathan called to say he sat on Santa's lap again and just talked and talked to him. They didn't take a picture this time - but they were the only ones in line so he got to have good conversation with him for a few minutes. Here is a pic :)
Briley's Baby Sprinkle :)
We seriously have the best friends anybody could ask for! They threw Briley a baby sprinkle November 17th. It was absolutely perfect. We had already been blessed with a couple of showers for Tucker just three years back and already had most of the "big things" that we needed, but a few of my friends suggested celebrating Briley, too! I am so glad and thankful that we did. She got lots of cute "girly" things and lots of necessities, too (diapers, wipes, pacifiers, washcloths, bathtub, towels, etc. etc.) We are so thankful for our close friends and family that were able to share this time with us. I will try to upload pics later.
It's a ............... GIRL!!
I realize it has been a while since I've posted but wanted to keep track of this on my blog! We went in for our ultrasound August 27th, just like planned (and that I mentioned in an earlier post). This was the due date of the baby that we lost last year around this time. What a BLESSING it was to find out the gender of our baby GIRL that's on the way!! It has already been 16 weeks since we found out what we are having (because I am now 34 1/2 weeks! Only 5 1/2 - give or take - to go! Time flies! We are SO excited (and Tucker is too). I asked him the other day who was here (in the driveway - b/c my mom was coming to see him) and he said, "BRILEY??" Hahah - not yet, sweet boy.. but we have been talking about her for so long I think he is just ready for her to be here already! He may change his mind once she is crying! but for now.. he's so excited! We would greatfully appreciate your prayers as we prepare for the delivery and entrance of our baby girl into this world! We.can't.wait.!!!!
I started this post in the middle of November and didn't come back to finish it until now------->On facebook, everybody is doing the 30 days of thankfulness in November. I love reading these posts. It is very refreshing to hear the positive rather than the negative that comes from facebook. I am SO thankful each and every day for these things that I'm going to list below - sometimes I don't like to share everything on facebook (just because..) so I decided to write it in a blog instead.
Day 1 - I am thankful for Jesus Christ who saved me from a life of sin and darkness and gave me eternal life through His blood that was shed on the cross.
Day 2 - I am thankful for my loving husband who is a man of God and leads our household in such a way. He is a a hard worker, makes us feel secure and safe, loves us, is such a wonderful husband and father. I could go on and on........I will spare you all the details and share with him instead.
Day 3 - I am thankful for my sweet little two year old who brings so much life to our family. He is such a sweet and smart boy who repeats everything we do and say. It cracks us up. He loves to sing (about Jesus!!) and he talks constantly -- he's so growny! I love it!
Day 4 - I am thankful for our baby girl who isn't even here yet. I can't wait to hold her and love her and raise her to be a Godly girl and eventually woman of God.
Day 5 - I am thankful for the baby that we lost. I am also thankful that we will get to meet him/her one day!
Day 6 - I am thankful for my family - immediate and extended. My family has always been there to support me and I can call on them anytime and they are there.
Day 7 - I am thankful for friends - old and new. I have been blessed with some of the best friends anyone could ask for.
Day 8 - I am thankful for our church family. They are there to hold you accountable, to encourage you, to love you despite your flaws and sins, and to help encourage you towards Christ. Yes, there are always "problems" in a church, but I count my blessings for each and every single person in our church family.
Day 9 - I am thankful for the youth ministry in our church. We are beyond blessed with our youth minister and his wife and children as well as with each and every single leader I teach with. That is my "small group" and I just love them to pieces. Not to mention - every single youth (girls, specifically, for me). I love those girls beyond words and they teach me just as much as I teach them.
Day 10 - I am thankful for where God has brought us from. Looking back over these past (almost) 5 years that we have been married, I can't even begin to tell you how thankful I am that we are in a different place than we were when we got married. Let us never forget where we were so that we can always run towards Jesus, thanking Him for what He has done in our lives.
Day 11 - I am thankful for trials. Some of our biggest trials have kept us leaning closer and closer to Jesus.
Day 12 - I am thankful for my brother. He doesn't know it (and I should tell him) that he has always meant so much to me. I have tears welling up in my eyes as I type this, just thinking about it. When you get married, life takes you different directions with work and family but he ALWAYS will be my big brother and I will always be one of his biggest cheerleaders.
Day 13 - I am thankful for Green Pines Baptist Preschool. I cannot even begin to tell you how much Tucker has learned at preschool. He just goes 3 days a week and it amazes me to hear the songs and the things that come out of his mouth. He will start singing a song and it just melts my heart to hear him singing about Jesus!
Day 14 - I am thankful for the Sunday morning and Sunday night preschool at our own church as well. He learns so much during these times as well. These teachers have no idea how much they have taught my child. I am soo very thankful.
Day 15 - I am thankful for my job. I never went into college thinking I would sale insurance (how boring!) but I LOVE my job. I especially love that I can work from home and be here raising my child at the same time. I am blessed.
Day 16 - I am thankful for date nights (and those that keep Tucker for us to have a date night!)
Day 17 - I am thankful for the calling Jonathan has on his life (and our family's). I love that song "While I'm waiting.. I will serve you, while I'm waiting... I will worship". That's the season I feel like we are in right now. God is constantly at work.. we just have no idea what's in store for our family down the road but Jonathan is pressing on, interning at church, taking classes at Southeastern, and still working at the fire station. As we wait, we will serve and worship Him.
Day 18 - I am thankful for all the things God has provided us with (our house that we are renting right now, our cars, our clothes, food, etc. etc.)
Day 19 - I am thankful for mentors and people God has placed in my life for a certain reason. I have several older ladies that are just such encouragers and have wisdom beyond my years and can help encourage me in the season that I'm in (with my marriage, having small child(ren), working, etc.)
Day 20 - I am thankful for sleep and naptime! I know we won't get much starting in January when baby Briley arrives but I sure do enjoy resting so that I can be the best mom and wife I can be. I will do the best I can (as a wife and mother) in January! But I still may have to sleep when she sleeps .. if that's possible with a second one?!
Day 21 - I am thankful that we can go to church and worship freely every Sunday.
Day 22 - I am thankful for days we have nothing to do and can just enjoy time with one another.
Day 23 - I am thankful for laughter. There's a lot of that around this house now that Tucker is as "growny" as he is.
Day 24 - I am thankful for playdates! It is so nice to get out of the house on days we don't have preschool or anything going on!
Day 25 - I am thankful for all 4 seasons. I was riding down the road the other day thinking how my favorite time of year was fall and winter (love the cool weather and all that comes with it), but then I was like, "wait, no.. I love spring and summer too!" (because of the beautiful flowers and the things that come along with warm weather, too).
Day 26 - I am thankful for snow days or holidays where everything is closed and all you can do is spend time with family.
Day 27 - I am thankful for the "little things".. surprises from my husband, giggles with my 2 yr old, etc. etc.
Day 28 - I am thankful for the high school girls. They are such a blessing in my life.
Day 29 - I am thankful for a warm house, food in the refrigerator, clothes we have to wear, etc. etc.
Day 30 - I am thankful that God knows every hair on our head, every thought before we even think it.. just everything about us.. and loves us anyway!
I could go on and on and on.. thank you, Lord, for E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!
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