Sunday, November 25, 2012

10 Year High School Reunion Planning

Last night we had our first committee meeting for planning our 10 year high school reunion. OH MY GOODNESS!! I was full of emotions as I was driving to Chris Grissinger's mom's house. 10 YEARS?! Where has the time gone?! I felt like I was driving "home" but to an unfamiliar place all at the same time. When I got there, we picked up right where we left off and had a great time planning. Lots of great ideas from everyone. The funny thing was there were 2 people who I wasn't very close with in high school that were there to help plan and ... Adam Robertson (one of my old roommates - like a brother to me) was there and we were sitting and just catching up and we both looked at each other when they walked in the door and said, "who is that? did we graduate with them?!" We both started cracking up. 10 years is a long time ... you forget names, you forget some faces, but there are so many memories and details you don't forget. I am blessed with such a close-knit class. A big class (which is why I didn't know EVERYbody), but for the most part a tight group. I am looking so forward to working with them and being able to catch up with everyone on what's been going on the last 10 years. And for the ones I didn't know ... even getting to know them better - I am excited about that. The word to describe last night is THANKFUL. I am THANKFUL that the Lord has brought me where I am now. I have the most wonderful husband, the most precious son, and I am in a whole different place than I was 10 years ago - praise the Lord! When I graduated almost 10 years ago, I had just begun my "rebellious stage" of life. I went to college and just completely turned away from the Lord and did things I am not proud of. PRAISE GOD for His forgiveness and His grace and love. And praise God for my husband, my son, my family, my friends who encourage me, my job, our house, and so many things. I am THANKFUL. My prayer is that through this time spent with them (old and new faces), I would be a light for Him.

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