Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Expecting our first BABY!! :)

Soo my plan last time I logged in (August 11th) was to get on here the next day and post our NEWS. However, I've been very slack at this soo I'm just now doing it (over a month later). Woww ... i think I'm busy NOW (without a child) ... I wonder how in the world I'll update this blog WITH a child?? :)

For those of you that didn't know, we're expecting our first BABY March 6th 2011!! We are soo excited and feel very blessed already. I think it is finally starting to set in that this is "real".

We found out July 2nd and we were FINALLY able to tell people after we saw the heartbeat on August 12th. We just wanted to make sure everything was OK and that there really was a precious little life in there ... there IS and everything's going well so far! :)

So ... the funny part is HOW we found out. Here's the story:

Jonathan and I left on a Wednesday afternoon (June 23rd) to drive down to Marco Island, Florida (which is where we go on our family vacation every summer). Mom and Michael had already arrived because they had flown. Jonathan & I drove b/c I am not a big fan of flying (that's a whole 'nother story in inself). Todd and Laine were scheduled to fly in that Friday (when our time share starts). On the way down, we stopped and stayed at the Red Roof Inn, before making it to Marco Island around lunch-time on Thursday. The first couple of days we were there, I did completely fine out in the sun (like usual). Starting Sunday, however, I got this AWFUL heat rash/sun poison that burned soo bad and was itching me to deathhhhhhh!! I had NEVER experienced that problem with the sun and, in fact, had been laying out here and there (at the beach, at my house, etc.) before we went to Florida just so I wouldn't burn as bad when we got there (and had not had any trouble at all). So ... we went to the pharmacy Sunday night and it was too late ... the pharmacists had gone home for the night. Soo the next day I stayed under the umbrella all day, but it still hurt (b/c it was a heat rash too). Finally, I saw a pharmacist that afternoon (Monday) and they suggested I take benadryl and gave me a cream to use. The cream helped tremendously b/c it helped soothe it and ease the pain for a while and, of course, the benadryl helped a little too. So the rest of the week ... I was ok with the rash ... it would come out during the day when I was out on the beach or by the pool and ... it would go in some at night. By Thursday, it was ok ...

Mom kept telling me that it could be my hormones changing ... b/c she knew I was off birth control ... and they kept laughing about the possibility of me being pregnant. It was ALL just a joke. I mean ... I did keep eating pickles and drinking Mt. Dew and Laine kept giving me a hard time about that ... but it was literally .. a JOKE (or so we thought)! ...

So ... Tuesday morning I had woken up and had two spider-looking bites on my left leg. I thought nothing of them ... I was more worried about the heat rash. By Thursday night at dinner (the day before we were leaving), they looked huge - one of them had a red target looking ring around it and ... of course, the worst thing you can do is look it up online and try to find out what kind they are ... well, I did. NOT a good idea - b/c it kept showing pictures of brown recluse (sp?) spiders, etc. ... so this was about 10:30 Thursday night. We were scheduled to get up Friday morning and leave at 4:00 AM to take Todd and Laine to the airport and me, mom & Jonathan were leaving straight from there and driving back to NC (15 hour drive)!!

So ... Jonathan and I looked up an urgent care just to go get some medicine or something for them and to make sure I was ok. Of course, there wasn't a 24 hour urgent care and the closest place we could find was the emergency room in Naples (about 15 minutes away). So ... we drove to the ER ... there were probably 5 people total there ... me, Jonathan, the receptionist, the doctor, and the nurse. Literally, it wasn't like Wake Med or Rex!

So ... after about 2 minutes of waiting in the waiting room, the nurse called us back and started asking all my symptoms. I told her about my heat rash, the spider bites and I even mentioned I was two or three days late. She took all my vital signs and then came the doctor. He was this haitian looking man that kinda reminded me of Burke (you know, Christina's old fiance that is no longer on the show - from Grey's Anatomy). He was straight to the point - he went right to popping my spider bites and I had to hold on soo tight to Jonathan's arm b/c I thought he was killing me. It hurt soooooooooo bad. He then asked me if there was any chance I could be pregnant b/c they were going to prescribe me a certain medicine. I said well ... actually I'm two or three days late, which isn't unusual ... and he jumped in and said we would do a urine test just in case. So ... I did the test around 12:25 AM and ... we sat, and waited, and sat, and waited ........... and by this time, we knew everything was ok with my spider bite and we were just ready to get out of there ... we knew we had to get up at 3:30 and drive all day soo we just felt we were wasting time. Soo finally at 1:05 AM, the doctor comes back in and says ... matter of factly "well, you are pregnant." WHAT?!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) I wish I had a camera to catch Jonathan's facial expression. It was incredddddddible!! We sat there just almost laughing with each other b/c he had JUST said (before the doctor came back in) -- "what if we find out we're pregnant in Marco Island Florida in an emergency room?!" - and we laughed it off because, of course, we thought it was a joke!! .......................... God had BIGGER plans for us!

Soo ... the doctor goes straight back to working on my spider bites and checking them out before we left ........... what spider bites?? I'm not even worried about THOSE anymore!!

So Jonathan and I checked out and left and ... we didn't know what in the world to do about telling any of our family?? We had always talked about waiting until a special occasion or ordering grandma/grandpa bibs or something and having them open them all together ... but how were we going to keep this HUGE secret????????

WE COULDN'T!! ... we ended up telling all of our immediate family and then we waited until August 12th to start telling others (after we got to see and hear that precious baby's heartbeat)!

Jonathan and I are sooo very lucky to have the love and support from all our family and friends. And we can't WAIT for Baby Williams to arrive so we can love it, care for it, and spoil it just like all our family has done to us over the years. :)

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