Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I just have to say ... I always see others posting publically on facebook about their husbands or children or whoever. I don't ever want to seem like I'm bragging or boasting about them so I don't usually do it but since nobody really sees this I just have to shout to the rooftops I LOVE MY HUSBAND AND SON SOOOOOO SOOOOOO VERY MUCH!! My husband is the most loving, godly, trusting, warmest, funniest, hard-working, family-oriented husband and father. I could go on and on but ... I won't... instead, I'll tell HIM. And my son is just PRECIOUS. He makes us smile, laugh, snuggle up to, enjoy, love, EVERY single part of him. He is at such a fun age right now. He is 20 months (tomorrow, actually) and he just keeps us going. He is now starting to say more and more and it is so cute. He repeats what we do. Like tonight ... I went running (SHOCKER, I know), but it had been "one of those days with work" and I needed some alone time to pray and talk to God soo ... when I got back, I was stretching and reaching up to the sky and then bending down and touching my toes and he was copying me. He was even copying me doing jumping jacks too. It just cracked us up. He LOVED it. Jonathan and I are just so blessed to have each other and we are so thankful God blessed us with the perfect gift to us, our son. I love you both (and I won't just write it, but I'll make sure to tell you, too!)

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